Why Is Testosterone Important for Men?

Testosterone for Men

Testosterone is the most important male hormone. Testosterone production actually begins in the womb. As a male child ages, testosterone levels continue to increase. Testosterone is largely responsible for building muscle and bones in boys, and the ongoing development of the sex organs. Once a child reaches the age of puberty, testosterone levels spike dramatically. It is this increased production and release of testosterone that brings on the secondary characteristics typical of “maleness,” such as facial hair and a deeper voice.

Even once a boy has completely developed into an adult male, testosterone continues to play a vital role in men’s health. Throughout life testosterone is needed to build muscle and healthy bones. It also is vital for:

  • Weight control
  • Sexual health
  • Sperm production and fertility
  • Cognitive acuity
  • Emotional well being
  • Strength and vitality
  • Healthy hair, skin and nails
  • Cardiovascular health

Testosterone is a very critical hormone for men’s overall health and vitality

Testosterone Levels Decline as Men Age

As important as testosterone is to men, after a certain point, testosterone levels do start to decline.

During the adolescent years, testosterone levels in teens continue to rise, peaking at about 20. After that, testosterone levels start a steady decline. Once you are over 30, your testosterone level will start on a steady downward slope. By the time you are over 40, you can expect your testosterone level to decline by about 1.5 to 2% per year.

Your testosterone levels are measured in nanograms per deciliter (ng/dl). The following charts show the optimal levels of total testosterone per age. What may be “normal,” and what may be “low” can vary from person to person, therefore the levels are given in a range.

Infants and Children


Male (in ng/dl)

0 to 5 months


6 months to 9 years

Less than 7-20

10 to 11 years

Less than 7-130



Male (in ng/dl)

12 to 13 years

Less than 7-800

14 years

Less than 7-1,200

15 to 16 years




Male (in ng/dl)

17 to 18 years


19 years and older


After puberty, testosterone levels begin to decline with age

What Is Low Testosterone?

What Is Low Testosterone

If the levels for your age fall outside of the ranges outlined above, you may have low testosterone. Low testosterone in men can sometimes be related to an injury or disease condition. However, most often, low testosterone in men is caused by the steady drop of testosterone as you age. This “age-related” testosterone deficiency is also known as andropause. It is similar to menopause in women. However, unlike menopause which occurs at a specific time in a woman’s life, the symptoms of andropause develop gradually over time. Most men between the ages of 40 and 65, are likely to be feeling some of the symptoms of low testosterone, or andropause.

Signs and Symptoms of Low Testosterone 

The signs and symptoms of low testosterone or andropause include:

  • Decrease in libido or sex drive
  • An overall feeling of reduced virility and vigor
  • Changes in mood
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Loss of stamina
  • Loss of muscle tone
  • Weight gain
  • Loss of memory and other cognitive issues

How Is Low Testosterone Treated?

How Is Low Testosterone Treated

The good news for men over 40 is that low testosterone can be safely and effectively treated with testosterone replacement therapy. Testosterone replacement therapy is designed to bring your testosterone levels back into the optimal ranges for you age, fitness level, and unique lifestyle.

Testosterone therapy is available only by prescription. Testosterone replacement therapy can be prescribed in various forms, however, our doctors have found that testosterone injections are the most effective form of testosterone therapy.

An initial prescription for testosterone injections will likely be for a six month period. Over the course of your testosterone therapy, you can expect to feel stronger, fitter, and more mentally alert. You sex life should also improve. As with any medical treatment, individual results will vary.

There are many benefits to testosterone therapy for men. Testosterone therapy can return you to the man you once were, or transform you into the man you always wanted to be!

How Do I Find the Best Testosterone Clinic?

When you are looking for a doctor or clinic to treat low testosterone, there are a few questions you want to ask.

One of the first things you want to know is if your Low-T is being caused by any serious disease of condition. Some cancers can cause a drop in testosterone output. However, most of the time, Low-T is simply age-related. If you are dealing with age-related Low-T, you will want to ask your doctor:

  • What treatments are available?
  • Am I a candidate for testosterone therapy?
  • How experienced is the doctor and staff in treating low testosterone?
  • What kind of results can I expect from testosterone therapy
  • How long will I need to be on testosterone therapy?
  • What kinds of testosterone do you use?

You also want to be sure that you seek a testosterone clinic that is experienced, and specializes in hormone replacement therapies for men. If your testosterone level is low, you may also have other age-related hormone deficiencies, such as growth hormone.

The best testosterone clinics will take a holistic approach to your hormone health, and seek to balance all of your hormone levels. That way you can get the most out of life at any age.

Testosterone replacement therapy is a safe and effective way to treat men with age-related low testosterone.

So, now that you know why testosterone is so important for men, why don’t you contact us today and have your testosterone levels checked?

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