Will Testosterone Therapy Help Build Muscle?


The ability of testosterone therapy to help you build muscle has been well documented.

Testosterone definitely has a beneficial impact on muscle mass. You cannot increase muscle mass without testosterone. There are many health benefits to increased muscle mass. Building more lean muscle mass helps control weight and increases your metabolism, and that results in more stamina and energy. A recent study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine showed that men taking testosterone therapy for about six months could gain a few pounds of muscle mass and, at the same time, lose a corresponding amount of body fat.

Testosterone and Muscle Gain

Testosterone is an anabolic steroid. In medical terms, anything that has an "anabolic" effect means that it enhances protein synthesis and promotes the building of muscle tissue. As men age, testosterone levels drop. As you lose testosterone, your ability to build lean muscle decreases. This is why men with low testosterone often gain weight and find it difficult to build lean muscle, even while working out. By returning your testosterone levels to normal through the use of prescription testosterone injections, your ability to build muscle increases.

Using testosterone to return your ability to build lean muscle has many benefits. Once you are able to build more lean muscle, your metabolism increases, this will allow you to burn fat more efficiently, and you will lose weight. You will also see an increase in your energy levels, stamina, and exercise capacity.

A recent study published by a team of scientists from California found that virile men who combined three days a week of weightlifting and strength training with weekly testosterone injections gained as much as 13 pounds of muscle in just ten weeks. That is an impressive amount of muscle gain in a short time, thanks to testosterone injections. However, the amount of testosterone these men were given was 600 milligrams per week. That is significantly higher than what would be given to men on testosterone replacement therapy.

Also, the men in this study were not already diagnosed with low testosterone. However, the study does prove that testosterone therapy can and does increase your body’s ability to build lean muscle — albeit at a less dramatic rate than in this particular study. Studies have found that in the doses typically prescribed for older men diagnosed with low testosterone; testosterone injections have been associated with a 5.7% increase in lean body mass and 10-13% increase in total body strength, leg strength, and arm strength. Those results may not be as impressive as in the California study but are certainly significant and can lead to many health benefits overall.

These same studies showed that testosterone injections were more effective at increasing your ability to build lean muscle than testosterone gels or other forms of testosterone replacement.

Testosterone is quite beneficial to your ability to build lean muscle.

How Does Testosterone Impact Muscles?

Testosterone builds muscle by interacting with the androgen receptors within muscle cells. Androgen receptors respond to anabolic hormones like testosterone by signaling muscle cells to increase the rate at which new muscle protein is produced. Over time, this increase in protein synthesis leads to bigger, stronger muscles.

Why Does Testosterone Therapy Help Build Muscle?

Testosterone and Muscle Mass

Testosterone is one of many factors involved in the growth and development of muscle bulk and strength. Testosterone increases neurotransmitters, which encourage tissue growth. It also interacts with nuclear receptors in DNA, which causes protein synthesis. Testosterone increases levels of growth hormone, another hormone vital to muscle growth.

Legally prescribed testosterone injections can help build lean muscle. In fact, increasing your ability to build lean muscle is one of the main benefits of testosterone replacement therapy. There are many forms of testosterone therapy available. However, studies have found that testosterone injections are the most effective at improving your body’s ability to build lean muscle.

Several meta-analyses (taking the combined data from several studies) have shown that testosterone therapy increases lean body mass and muscle strength in middle-aged and older men. These analyses also determined that testosterone injections were as much as 3 to 5 times more effective at increasing muscle mass, as opposed to gels and other testosterone therapy preparations.

It is perfectly legal to use testosterone to help you build muscle – IF it has been prescribed for you by a doctor. Misconceptions about testosterone and building muscle come into play because people often confuse legal and legitimate testosterone replacement therapy with the illegal use and abuse of “steroids” by bodybuilders and athletes.

Prescription testosterone injections can help men with low testosterone increase or revive their ability to build lean muscle like they could when they were younger. The main difference between properly prescribed testosterone therapy and the illegal use of steroids to gain bulk by bodybuilders is that testosterone therapy is designed only to return the level of testosterone in the blood to normal.

The testosterone or "steroids" used by bodybuilders are often stacked with other substances that can technically add to their muscle building or anabolic effects. However, these combinations can be harmful, dangerous, or even deadly. You cannot legally obtain testosterone injections without a doctor’s prescription. It is illegal to use testosterone to build muscle or for any other purpose without a doctor’s prescription. Doing so is not only against the law but could be hazardous to your health.

How Much Testosterone Do You Need to Build Muscle?

In order for testosterone therapy to help you build lean muscle, you need to have your testosterone levels returned to the normal range. The normal range for testosterone will vary between laboratories but is generally accepted to fall between 400-1,200 ng/dL.

However, we strive to provide testosterone therapy on a very individualized basis. Our goal is to give you the optimal amount of testosterone that is best to alleviate your individual symptoms of low testosterone. Some men need more testosterone than others in order to build muscle, reduce fat, and otherwise feel well.

A 2011 study on testosterone and increasing lean muscle mass found that the ideal "target" to build muscle was a range between 898 ng/dL and 1046 ng/dL. However, even that study concluded, "To enhance muscle strength and physical function, threshold improvements in lean body mass and appendicular skeletal muscle mass are necessary, and these can be achieved by targeting changes in testosterone levels."

Testosterone therapy has been proven to increase muscle mass in men with low testosterone.

Now that you understand a lot more about testosterone and building muscle, why not contact us today and see if you are a candidate for the many life-changing benefits of testosterone replacement therapy. 

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