What Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy

What Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy

What is testosterone therapy? Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a form of treatment that uses man-made, bio-identical testosterone medication to increase low T levels and balance them out in the body. When a person gets older and his testosterone levels start to deplete, he will usually feel symptoms with that decrease in this hormone. TRT has been clinically proven to make a difference in the lives of many men across the U.S. every day.

What is testosterone therapy used for? TRT is used to replace the missing hormone when the body is not producing enough of it on its own. When a person is correctly diagnosed with low T, he can work with a reputable testosterone replacement therapy clinic and get help. The right clinic will have licensed doctors that will work with their patients on an individual basis to assist in the TRT process for positive change.

Does testosterone therapy work? Yes. A patient who gets an accurate prescription for TRT and an individually created treatment plan for their needs will usually reap great benefits from this kind of treatment. In addition, the person partaking in TRT needs to be receiving medical supervision from the prescribing physician. This is a vital part of this kind of therapy. When all the elements of a proper TRT program are in place, remarkable changes and benefits in the mind and body begin occurring.

Who Needs Testosterone Therapy And Why

Who Needs Testosterone Therapy And Why

Those who many need testosterone therapy are both men and women over 30 who are dealing with a doctor diagnosed testosterone deficiency. Although women do occasionally need testosterone therapy, more men are participating in this clinically proven successful treatment for low T.

When the ovaries and/or testes grow older, they start to slow down in their production of testosterone. The same thing happens with the adrenal glands where some testosterone is also manufactured within the body.

When testosterone levels dip, uncomfortable and sometimes even debilitating symptoms can begin to happen. This is why people often need testosterone therapy; to eliminate or at least decrease symptoms that are bothersome from low T.

What are some of the symptoms of low T and the reason why people may need testosterone therapy?

  • Lethargy, loss of energy and apathy
  • Loss of sexual desire, sexual appetite and libido
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Weight gain
  • Inability to keep lean muscle mass
  • The shrinking of muscle mass
  • Weaker bone mineral density
  • The propensity to break or fracture bones easily
  • Higher levels of LDL cholesterol
  • Weakening heart health
  • A higher risk of heart attack or stroke
  • Mild depression
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability and/or agitation
  • Mood swings
  • Inability to concentrate or focus well
  • Loss of memory
  • Disorientation or a foggy head
  • Weaker skin elasticity
  • Saggy, wrinkled and/or haggard looking skin
  • Thinning hair and/or balding
  • Body, joint and/or muscle aches and pains
  • Poor exercise capacity
  • Lower levels of stamina and endurance
  • A weaker immunity
  • Shrinking organs
  • Difficult and slow healing

The above list are many of the symptoms that can occur when testosterone levels become low. What is testosterone replacement therapy? TRT is a way of stopping these symptoms by giving the body back what it craves for optimal performance sexually, physically, emotionally and mentally; testosterone.

What Are The Different Types Of Testosterone Therapy?

There are several different types of testosterone therapy. Sources share the following ways to take testosterone into the body:

  1. Intramuscular injections
  2. Jelly, cream or gel
  3. Pills
  4. Intranasal spray
  5. Pellets

Learn more about the different types of testosterone therapy below:

  • Intramuscular injections

The most popular and effective way to self administer testosterone to the body is through intramuscular injections. Injections are available by prescription only for those over 30 with low T.  Injections are the way the medication gets to the blood stream in just the right dosage to create quick, lasting and noticeable change.

Intramuscular injections are administered into the buttocks, the deltoids or the thigh muscle, rotating injections sites for each shot. Patients must be receiving medical supervision when using testosterone intramuscular injections.

  • Jelly, cream or gel

Using a testosterone jelly, cream or gel is called topical testosterone therapy and can be a very effective way to get testosterone safely into the system. The topical medication must be prescribed at just the right dosage by a licensed doctor. It is vital to keep these medications away from others; especially children. When the jelly, cream or gel comes into contact with the skin, it absorbs quickly.

It is advised to apply the testosterone jelly, cream or gel right after being towel dried from a shower. You do not want to wash any of your prescribed medication away by showering after you apply your medication.

You will choose a place on the body to apply your testosterone medication that does not sweat too much and does not have much hair. Many doctors suggest using the back of the knees or the back of the upper arms for testosterone jelly, gel or cream administration.

  • Pills

Testosterone over the counter pills are never recommended because they are fairly useless, according to most medical studies. When taken orally, the pills are sent to the stomach and metabolized. They do not make it to the blood stream to work.

Testosterone pills can be bought over the counter in most health stores. People do not need a prescription for them, they are not medically supervised and often do not contain any substantial amount of testosterone to truly make any difference in the body’s testosterone levels.

  • Intranasal spray

Intranasal spray is a testosterone nasal gel that started to become a popular delivery method for testosterone approximately four years ago. Using a metered pump, a patient will apply the gel inside the nostril in just the right prescribed amount. It rarely comes into contact with others which is a pro, but the con is usually the higher price and inconvenience of having to take it a few times every day.

  • Pellets

Using testosterone pellets is called implantable testosterone therapy. Pellets are crystalline testosterone that is surgically implanted under the skin, usually in the buttocks area or upper hip.

The procedure to implant the pellets takes about 10 minutes. Firstly, the skin is sterilized and then numbed with a local anesthesia. About 10 to 12 small pellets (about 3 mm to 9 mm long) are implanted through a small incision that is made in the skin. This is an outpatient surgery and is considered to be very safe.

The medication is slowly released from the pellets into the blood stream over a three to six month time period. Many say this is a convenient method of testosterone therapy because patients do not have to think about taking medication every day. It releases into the blood on its own until all pellets are completely dissolved. At that time, more pellets will need to be implanted.

Below is a comparison chart to show the differences and similarities of the five most common types of testosterone therapy.

Injections Most effective Depends on type brand
(from 1x every 3 days to 1x every 2 weeks)
Moderately convenient Prescription only
Jelly, cream or gel Highly effective Taken 1x/day Easy to apply Prescription only
Pills Non-effective Taken 1x/day Easy to take No prescription needed
Intranasal spray Effective Taken 3x/day Easy to use pump dispenser Prescription only
Pellets Effective Implanted for 3-6 months Surgical procedure initially and then highly convenient Prescription only

What is the best testosterone replacement therapy? Most professionals would say injections are the best testosterone delivery method because they produce the greatest benefits with the least amount of side effects. However, if a person cannot take injections, pellets and/or jelly, cream or gel are second best. For women in particular, taking a cream, gel or jelly is clearly the best way to participate in testosterone therapy, according to experts.

Is Testosterone Therapy Safe?

Testosterone replacement therapy can be highly safe as well as effective if it is done under the care and medical supervision of a licensed doctor. A patient must follow all the guidelines necessary to get his or her prescription.

To begin, a patient will start with reaching out to a reputable TRT clinic for a free first phone consultation with an expert clinical advisor. Testing, getting a diagnosis of low T and then being written a prescription and treatment plan will follow.

In order for testosterone therapy to be safe, a patient must commit to the TRT process and follow his or her prescription. Never should anyone take more medication than is prescribed by the doctor and patients need to follow their treatment plans. Staying in constant contact with one’s clinical advisor is important and keeping up with medical supervision is a must.

Taking care of any possible negative side effects immediately if they occur is vital. Ignoring problems is never a good idea because they can become worse. Staying on course and doing what is necessary and directed by one’s doctor is how to stay the safest while partaking in TRT.

What Happens To Testosterone Levels With Age?

It is very simple – testosterone levels deplete more and more as a person gets older. The ovaries (in women), the testes (in men) and the adrenal glands in both genders are all responsible in part to produce testosterone. They slow with age and so does their production of the vital hormone.

Here is a chart to demonstrate how some clinics measures the levels of testosterone in men by age:

Age Low levels Normal levels High levels
Men over 30 219 ng/dL Total: 219 – 1009 ng/dL 1,009 ng/dL
Men over 40 201 ng/dL Total: 201 – 993 ng/dL 993 ng/dL
Men over 50 170 ng/dL Total: 170 – 918 ng/dL 918 ng/dL
Men over 60 156 ng/dL Total: 156 – 700 ng/dL 700 ng/dL

For more information about testosterone replacement therapy and to find out if testosterone therapy good for you in particular, you will start off with a phone consultation with a clinical advisor. The conversation will be free of charge. Fill out our online contact form so that an advisor can call you at your convenience. We look forward to teaching you all about testosterone therapy and how it can help you to change your life.

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